Dribbble Invites Giveaway

Hello Peeps,

I have 2 invites to draft players.

Send me 2-3 of your best works / your portfolio link + your Dribbble profile link on vivek_choudhary@live.com with 'Dribbble Invite' as the subject line.

Winners will be announced on June 3.

You can follow me also if you like my work :)

All the best! Cheers 🍻 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Update:

Hello again guys, Hope everyone had a great week.

I got so many emails that I had a difficult time finalising two folks. There are a hell lot of talented people who need to be here and showcase their work. Last year only I was able to join this amazing community after waiting for 7 months when a kind lady drafted me.

So, I would like to tell all the others to not get disheartened. The invite will come eventually. :)

Thank you all for participating. Wish I had more giveaways.

Please welcome, @Michael Osmolovsky and @YingjunChen Loved your work guys. Hope to see them here soon. ;)

If anyone else looking out to draft someone. Here're some suggestions - @KPKARTIK, @Tolle, @Chinabin, @aleebaes, @balastudio, @AlexisBoudal, @Benjy_I0, @yoMandy, @slavaukraine, @ohzooo, @Hussein84, @Vinibch

Stay awesome

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