J. Million - Design Works
Hi guys,
I'd really appreciate some thoughts / insight on this one... Does it work practically? How does it make you feel?
You can see a live version at www.joemillion.com - I've put this up as a temporary landing page, whilst I'm working on my new website.
I've been working on my new branding for a few months now. I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to take it next - this is a snapshot of where I'm at. Trying to define myself visually has and still proves to be the biggest challenge I've faced.
I'm a very abstract person, neither this or that. I'm open to all ideas, no matter how crazy they are.
I found great inspiration from a guy on Skillshare (Vasjen Katro) who's produced a series called 'Baugasm', who works with gradients in quite unusual and innovative ways. Colour has always been a big thing for me, and the way this guy uses it is incredible.
Thank you for your time! Please keep any criticism constructive.