We Got This

My favorite concept for the new staff shirt.

I really wanted to create something that people would want to wear and that had a message with multiple meanings. "We got this" obviously refers to the Earth, our one and only home. It could also mean that "we STILL got this", as in The Institute on the Environment has been working hard since 2007 to protect the planet. Lastly, I thought it could have a message of hope in terms of climate change and climate progress. "We got this" meaning we can rise to the challenge of protecting our Earth.

There are 4 concepts in total and the staff will be voting for their favorite. I'm pulling for this one but if they choose another I'll probably make these shirts anyway. Stay tuned.

(Earth was a free vector from freepik so can't take credit for that. Viva Beautiful brush script for "we got" but then I hand drew the "This" so it could hug the earth.)

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