Perspectives Name Tags

Made 85 of these acrylic name tags for our recent Perspectives event. Each tag was lasercut out of an acrylic sheet, spray painted with 1 to 3 colors, then laser-etched in a jig on the reverse side. Afterwards, I rubbed a thick hit of speedball white acrylic ink or process blue acrylic ink into the etch impression, then rubbed off the excess with paper towels. The result is a shiny nametag colored from the back with debossed and ink inlaid name features.

The colors represent each individual's views and perspectives they bring to the conference. Each person' story and tag are completely unique. I also chose a material that is transparent for honesty, and allows for reflection and mirroring. Perfect for a collaborative space where everyone can share their views.

Bigger shot of them in the attachment.

Detailed process post:

Passion post:

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