Introducing Reform Collective >>NOW LIVE<<

After 7 months of hard work we finally want to introduce you to Reform Collective formally known as JellyJar Co.

Reform Collective is made up of myself and @Kimball Frank Wirig heading design and vision for our clients and @Alec Douglas, the young gun who has lent a tremendous amount of value here as well! Watch out for this youngster as he comes up thru the ranks! We also have a couple of great services we are working on here that will be available soon. More on that later. Medium article on the way.

Want to thank the @Underbelly for their amazing job they did with us to capture the vision on the photos. Was a fun EXTREMELY COLD November morning out in the Utah Salt Flats.

Another huge thanks to @Matt Anderson for his development here. Matt is an incredible talented dev and designer!!

Kimball and I have a passion to continue together to deliver great work for our clients and although a small team, we can do the work of 7 designers :) Thanks for all of those who participated in our private feedback loops. You know who you are, especially @Jason Wu and @David Anspaugh

Give the site a tour here - Reform Collective and yes, all the photos are actually color, not black and white ;)

More by Reform Collective | Design & Development Agency

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