BioStats Logo Design Exploration
Day 12 or my logo design challenge. BioStats concept is a unused logo that combines the idea of natural, organic stuff with the idea of analytics, stats. Nowadays everything is about data. Is the second lead clear enough? Feedback is always welcome.
Apart from stimulating my creativity and the attention to details (I always look around for ideas for tomorrow's logo) doing this challenge reminds me once again how fast the time flies.
That's why I love immersing into this field of logo design and appreciating every detail of all the great logos I see online, designed by talented people like @Dusan Sevarika@Josiah Jost@Alex Tass, logo designer@Yoga Perdana or @Jeroen van Eerden ... mentioning just a few.
Because life is about small things. Why working like crazy (doing something that you don't enjoy) to have lots of money and after that to sit and do what you like, when you can do that right now?
Have a creative day! Adrian Brand
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