Objective: Create a visual identity for a documentary.
Opportunity: The documentary’s idea is to encourage female artistic and audio-visual production.
Idea: Work geometric shapes that fit, despite their differences, like the various sides of a crystal. Represent diversity through the variety of colors.
Visual Identity for the 3 Women’s Project, a documentary created by Pangalacticas Productions to encourage the artistic and audio-visual production made by women.
In the project, three women were involved in the artistic production. One tells her story, the second the script and the third plays the story through drawings, paintings or a short film.
Starting from a triangle, which represents the female gender and the connection between the three women, a crystal form was developed. With its varied angles, it shows the diversity of the project's stories. The chosen colors create contrasts within the communication and represent the variety of content present in the documentary, as well as their artistic identity. The chosen typography is simple and clean, bringing legibility and modernity to the brand.