Blue Jackets Score: April 18, 2017

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Series 1 / Game 4
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Follow your path, play your game, dance to your music when you win.

The Jackets have proved through this playoff series that they know how to play their style of hockey: high hits and higher shots on goal. During the first period we outshot the Pens again 14-6, except this time some pucks actually went in the net. Wrapping up the first twenty the CBJ had 2 on the board and wasn't looking like they were going to stop. The rest of the game confirmed that.

With so much action on the Jackets side after achieving a 3 goal lead early in the second, it almost seemed like Pittsburgh had forgotten to show up to the game. But then they kicked it into gear and brought the advantage back down to 1 goal. The last twenty minutes of Game 4 was an emotional roller coaster. With 2 sets pf back and forth goals, the Jackets finally found a way to win and not allow the Pens to sweep the series.

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