Free responsive grid for Sketch

I’m sharing a free sketch column grid for web, tablet and mobile. If you find it useful, show us some love by liking this shot. We will be motivated to share more free resources with you.

Download Grid

BIT GRID - See preview
Web 1280px +
Grid 1200px width / 12*78px columns / 24px gutter
Tablet Portrait 768px
Grid 712px width / 8*68px columns / 24px gutter
Tablet Landscape 1024px
Grid 960px width / 12*58px columns / 24px gutter
Mobile 320px
Grid 288px width / 6*38px columns / 12px gutter

TEN GRID - See preview
Web 1280px +
Grid 1170px width / 12*70px columns / 30px gutter
Grid 1180px width / 12*80px columns / 20px gutter
Tablet Portrait 768px
Grid 700px width / 8*70px columns / 20px gutter
Tablet Landscape 1024px
Grid 940px width / 12*70px columns / 20px gutter
Mobile 320px
Grid 290px width / 6*40px columns / 10px gutter


200 KB
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