Day 80: Fairphone

Another little peek at 100 Days of Good Stuff: Day 80: Good Phone: “A better phone is a phone made better” is what Fairphone is all about, and they mean it. Their 4 goals should be something all product designers strive for: Long-Lasting Design, Fair Materials, Good Working Conditions, and Reuse/Recycle. I had the pleasure of speaking with one of the company’s investors, and it was obvious that the entire team truly cares about developing a viable product that combats conspicuous consumption. Fairphone is intent on making a grassroots-oriented difference in the way ubiquitous products are produced, and by extending the useful lifetime of these tech tools, they are getting other, bigger companies to take notice. Most importantly, consumers are starting to take notice. This represents one “better way” to build the products to power our tech future.

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