We Love Czech Meat microsite
Hey everyone!
I’m really happy to share this with you.
By the end of the last year I was asked by Ambiente, a company running the most beautiful restaurants in Prague, to help them with their blog. This job unfortunately didn’t happen as they decided to hire a whole agency for that, but I had an oppurtunity to work with them on this microsite.
They closed Čestr, one of their restaurants, few weeks ago and opened a brand new one called Kantýna. The goal was to introduce the new restaurant in a secret or little bit mysterious way to Čestr’s customers (both restaurants has the same concept – focus on high-quality czech meat, so also the customers are almost the same). When someone visited Čestr recently, the manager of the restaurant gave him a card with a website address, where the customer could set a lunch or dinner in the new restaurant. The customer didn’t know where the restaurant will be and when will be opened, he could just select the type of meat he wants to have and something to drink. And Ambiente prepared the meat for him in the new place for free as a welcome gift.
So this is the first concept I came up with. A simple website where on the right side people select the option, on the left is a small description. On the last screen user types his email and Ambiente will let him know about the next steps.
Hope you guys like it.
Bon Appétit!