My lawyer app
Use case: (Advanced search for lawyeers)
60% of the people struggle to find the best lawyer for them. Since they don't know in which criteria ewe have to select the lawyer, this app provide us a platform to search the best lawyer suits for your budget and case
Features: 1. We can book the lawyer 2. We can track their location 3. We can track the activity like research, case etc. and their respective charges through this app
The main advantage is without even knowing anyone we can get know the winning percentage of this lawyer this will reduce the number of case in court and it is very helpful to the normal peoples
This is just a personal preference on how I want to experience the lawyer app
Feedback are really appreciated :) Software used: Sketch + Principle Resources might be helpful to you
1.) Micro-Interaction tips youtube2.) UI design tips youtube3.) Process of Interaction design 4.) Case Studies and design tips5.) Instagram updates ----- Contact: ---