I feel like I'm gonna barf

I've been learning Sketch. This is my first illustration ever. I've always had taste, but never had the skills to make things myself and got tired of it. I've always painted and been creative and I host/produce video, but illustrating and making things from scratch is so hard for me. Anyway, I know the way you get better is by making yourself vulnerable to the world, so I'd love to hear feedback. Ugh I didn't even put a drop shadow on it and I have a bunch more to learn about Sketch best practices and I know it's a tool for UI/UX which is what I plan to do most of, but I need illustration practice anyway. I have no idea what I'm doing.

So, this is a clean cut version of the feather from Super Mario World. My wife has a goomba tattoo on her thumb and I've always told her I'd draw her the feather that gets you the cape in a clean look so she can get that on a different finger. I matched the colors to the pixel art from the game. Something still looks really off balance about it, though. Maybe my eye isn't trained for pixel perfection yet.

Anyway, rip it apart!

k thx <3

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