DUGAS Concept

Hey Dribbblers !

It's been a long time since my last upload.
I've decided to stay active again and share my shots of my latest projects :)

DUGAS is the distribution company leader of alcoholic beverages in France.

I've decided to give a new structure & fresh look to the homepage:
1 - Simplify the navigation
2 - Showcase easier the product list
3 - Showcase the expertise and counsel of DUGAS to get the confidence of the future consumers
4 - Push forward their relationship with customers and cellarmen with their digital presence
5 - Give a modern look to inspire confidence for the user

I decided to go on a clean and white design to get a different approach to the luxury vision (which is mostly dark),
and to show that they get a more important relationship with customers.

I hope you will like this concept ! More animated shots will be there soon.
Be sure to look at the attached version :)

Any thoughts are welcome !

Hervé Rbna
Motion/3D & Interactive Designer at AKQA
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