Landing Experiments. Sources sorted by complexity

Hi all,

Since i had started posting examples to The Interaction Library, I've been contacted by many people who asked for the source files to some of my works and recently it's become even more frequent of a case. I don't mind sharing and decided to make it more accessible for everyone who eager to learn.

Now i'll be posting source files every now and then so stay tuned for the updates. Btw, these three are sorted by complexity left to right so take that into account.

So landings, huh? We all know how important it is to make good first impression. It's even more so when we are talking about a mobile app, as it's only the first few moments that count for a user to decide whether they are going or not to use your app in the future. So it's only important to get user's interest right from the start.

Thanks for hitting "L" if you like it, this will motivate me to keep coming up with more colorful stuff! :D

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Yaro Zubko
Simple, engaging, artistic products.

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