Humble Blender Beginnings

I have always been fascinated with 3D but for whatever reason I never pursued it. The intrigue of 3D and animation were the original reason I ever got into design but it always seemed far too intimidating to actually try.

This marks my first ever blender project. After spending a good amount of time surveying the immense landscape of materials out there for Blender (Thanks especially to and their free introduction to the Blender basics), and going through countless inspirational projects from a vast array of truly talented artists, as well as our own talented 3D specialist @daniel-webb I decided to dive into 3D.

I took the easy way out and started with low-poly because I feel it bridges the gap best between the kind of 2D illustration I have always enjoyed while tastefully adding an extra dimension to that kind of style. I challenged myself to do things "right" (right being relative and personal here) by creating a basic object but giving it character in the process. I knew I wanted to make a crate that had some "character" after working through the "Blender Basics" by and put their lessons (along with a few stray lighting tutorials) into effect.

If you have ever thought about diving into 3D stop waiting around! There are a ton of resources out there! I am not going to tell you it will be easy - it won't be - but it will be fun and your skills as a 2D designer will absolutely give you an edge over someone with no background whatsoever. I felt my background helping me along every step of the way.

Got any Blender tips or suggestions? Would love to hear from others who are new to 3D, or experienced. Thanks!

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