Traditional Logo Dribble
Namaste guys!
This is the logo I designed for myself. Coming from the mystical land called India and being a citizen who is very proud of its culture and heritage, I felt the need to bring that love and identity into my own identity.
What you see here is one of the 13 vowels used in 'Hindi', the national language of India, and is pronounced as 'uh'. This vowel is one of the characters used in spelling my own name, pretty much equivalent to 'A'.
I decided to fill it with a pattern common in local Indian artworks and give it a cool blueish shade with a darker background, while using the more modern font 'Aileron' to spell out my name in English creating a balance between the traditional and modern India.
I would love to know your views and thoughts on this logo and what could be improved :)
Cheers! Aman