Blue Jackets Score: March 13, 2017

Game 68 / Check out the whole project here

Game Highlights:
I hope the Jackets brought some tootsie rolls to throw out last night because we had a Penalty Parade.

-The period started out well, but in the same vein of our last game against Buffalo: we started strong with goals and then lost discipline. Luckily this time we were able to refocus a bit.

-Gagner scored with a swift shot from the slot to tie his career high of 18 goals last season (where he coincidentally played on the Flyers for a while before being sent to the minors and becoming a free agent). 60 seconds later in P1 Atkinson got a beautiful breakaway from a heads up pass from Werenski and faked the forehand before pulling back over to score on Mason.

-The Flyers were able to also put one of the board before the end of the first 20 minutes. But the second period is when things started to unravel for the Jackets. In short, we suffered from 7 penalties (6 of them in a row), and let the Flyers climb back up to take the lead at 2-3 by 11:03 into the second. Thankfully our penalty kill showed up tonight and only let 1 PP goal out of the fiasco. Though their 3rd goal of the evening came just after we killed off a solid 6 minutes with at least 1 man down.

-Once we were finally back up to full strength and gained control of the game for more than a few seconds, Werenski was able to score off the face-off after a spiffy fake from Jones.

-Starting the 3rd period I think the Jackets knew that they needed to keep their cool. Philly’s Konecny had been getting under everyone’s skin all night. So it felt extra good to see Dubinsky score a top shelf Power Play goal of our own with him in the box. Dub’s goal makes 11 CBJ players with double figure goals this season.

-With the Jackets up by 1 the Flyers pulled Mason for a 6 on 5, but Saad and Atkinson found a way to disrupt their play, gain control, and ultimately have Cam whip the puck into the empty net to seal the deal at 5-3.

-Tonight’s win marks 2 new franchise records: 44 wins in a single season and 94 points.

-On the player front here is our good news/bad news. The good news: Anderson and Calvert were back in the lineup tonight with Sedlak projected to follow suit this week. The bad news: Murray broke his hand in the opening minutes of the last game and will have to undergo surgery.

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