Prompt 003: Spring Icon
Prompt 003: Spring Icon
The weather has been fluctuation a lot here in Connecticut and has left me eager for the warm, sunny days of spring. We’ve got a little less than 2 weeks before the spring equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, so I figured we could design some fun icons to ring in the beginning of spring!
Create an icon (or a small set if you’re feeling ambitious!) that in some way relates to spring. It could represent new growth, the changing of the weather, allergies :(, or even a spring holiday like Holi or Easter. No limits here.
Our friends from Designer Talk will be featuring some of your designs on Designer Talk Instagram (
Here are some great spring icons for inspiration: | | | |
Post your response by Wednesday, 3/22 to have your post included in the bucket and tag your post with “PROMPT003”. Check back soon to see some awesome spring icons and don’t forget to leave some feedback too. Looking forward to your seeing your icons!