Dribbble Invite
Hello Everyone!
I’ve 1 dribble invite, and I would like to give out to the designer who deserves the most. Being said that no personal/dm message would work, because if I give this invite to someone who will never post a short, or 5-10 shots in a year, I will get a lot of negative rankings from Dribbble due to the fact that I was the one who invited the designer. :)
If you want this Dibbble invite, kindly follow the rules below.
1. Select 10 -15 designs (screenshots, wip, wireframes, paper sketches, doodles, artwork, icons, illustration, etc.) and email me with the attachments. It’s okay if your work is not polished, but it’s important how many shots you can send send over to me. This can help me to predict the number of shots you will be uploading on Dribbble once you’re invited. 2. Once you’re done with number 1, mention me via Twitter @abinashmohanty with the text "I’m proud to be an Indian UXer via #Dribbble.”
3. Join our UX community (ignore if you’re already in) 4. Wait and watch! The results would be declared in here on Sunday, 12 March, EOD (IST time) Thank You!