Nowait Redesign


I am an avid user of the NoWait application. I redesigned restaurants screen of the application not knowing the parameters or constraints of the designs that officially work there. I saw an opportunity to showcase what I would change about the application. I tried to use the exact same images they were using but I could not find that second image.

The main issue that I saw with no wait is that I could not get in line from the list view. I could only get in line by clicking on a restaurant tile and then going to the detail page of that restaurant. The layout of the application also had the navigation in the top bar and in the nav bar. It felt out of place to have to click the map at the top of the screen to switch between list and map.

I added an action on each of the restaurant tile snippet for the user to get in line to solve the problem that I had with the application. If a restaurant did not have a line the button would just say "Come On In". To solve the issue with the navigation I added the user's current zip code at the top so they could see where the list was pulling from. Swiping left and right would change that label to their zip code, favorites, or recently visited. This would give the user more options with the list. I also added the map to the nav bar. I also went a step further and used NoWait's green in their brand guidelines that they were currently not using in their app. I felt this helped establish more of their brand and brighten the app more by using a more bold green. It also helped make the pictures stand out more.

I was in charge of the ui/ux design of the app redesign. I was not a part of the team this was design exercise that I took upon myself to do to increase my skill set.

More by Chris Carter

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