Yesterday we said that winter's 'Kaikki loppi'. Today we celebrate the beginning of spring. Finally. Don't mind that in Karelia winter lasts until May, it doesn't matter. Spring is in the air already.

So, Kanji for spring is 春. Very beautiful kanji. I noticed today that writing Kanji is high quality zen. It's better to write Kanji relaxed, but focused. The best instrument i guess is brush, so you got beautiful strokes and Kanji looks more beautiful. Just draw them one by one till you finally come up with the on you satisfied with. This is an extraordinary pleasure. In addition you've got +1 to your calligraphy skill.

Karelian for spring is 'Kevät'. Karelians have interesting names for months. March, for example. March is the first month of spring, so it's kevätkuu (kinda springmonth). 'Kuu' is karelian for 'Month'.

This soundtrack is originally from the place i am from:

Kevään Lapset - Oman Muan Tuli
This could be translated from Karelian as "Children of Spring — The fire of my Land" The chorus rhyme "meih kaččou puhtas taivas" means "clear sky is looking at me".

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