
Together with some friends I setup a meetup that is all about accessibility: role=drinks[1]. It all started as a joke but—as these things go—it all got serious rather quickly. It started out with 11 people and has grown to 110 attendees for our latest meetup in San Diego, which is today! During a meetup we have a couple of lightning talks and more than enough time to talk to other attendees while enjoying a drink.

Extra credits to Job van Achterberg and Adrian Roselli for their help in creating this logo.

Alternative text for main image: The universal design icon where the human is holding a bottle and a cocktail and some bubbles are coming from their head.

Alt text for first attachment: a pile of role=drinks stickers on a laptop.

Alt text for second attachment: a role=drinks sticker among other stickers on the back lid of a laptop.

[1] The name comes from a set of HTML attributes that relate to accessibility. With the “role”-attribute you can define how a particular element is exposed to assistive technology (AT). For example, with role=button, you can tell AT that the element is a button. We’ll get into this in a later part of the accessibility series :).

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