Capsule has rebranded!

We started Capsule eight years ago with a mission to create a CRM system that’s simple, intuitive and powerful. Every year since we’ve been fortunate and grateful to experience continual growth. As we look to the future we wanted a new brand that communicates who we are now and our ambitions.

We teamed up with Focus Lab to help us get our rebrand right. From the very first meeting, we knew Focus were the right choice. They helped us leave our comfort zone and created something truly unique.

Our new logo is made up of switches and buttons to capture the essence of control over your business. The new color scheme is vibrant and modern while feeling professional and trustworthy. We now have full brand system to play with. We hope you guys like it.

Big thanks to Focus and our customers old and new.

Read the full story.

We're also on the look out for designers to join our team.

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