Artcore icons no.4
Finally the 4th artcore iconset is ready to download :)
Hope u like them! Thanks to all the people who gave me suggestions. Maybe you also find your way to the donate button on the download page,thanks in advance. For this time the package includes 36 icons
-Angrybirds, Sparrow, Text Expander, Fraise, Word, Powerpoint, MS Office, Excel, Minecraft, Terminal, CloudApp, Launchpad, Adobe Encore, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Contribute, Analog, Wunderlist, Spotify, Pidgin, Instagram, DVD Player, Photobooth, Soundcloud, TextMate, MSN Messenger, Dashboard, Chess, Github, The Unarchiever, Dictionary, App Store, Games Folder, Burnable Folder, System Folder and Reeder.
Have fun with these icons!!!! All the best, Artcore.