AI Nurse App
My original brief was to design a home screen for a app used by a community nurse. The design needed to meet the requirements of the daily activities such as visiting multiple patients in a day, being able to respond to emergency or out of hours appointments, completing assessments whilst viewing patient records, or test results and referring patients to other services.
I expanded on the brief by designing mockups for a patient smartwatch that could utilise Artificial Intelligence to help assist patients. AI preventive care has the potential to save billions and redesign the healthcare industry in 2017.
See the full presentation here:
Pill Icon & Salt Icon Icon Designed by Freepik from*
Glass of Water Icon Icons made by Vignesh Oviyan from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Icons made by Kirill Kazachek from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Key, Alarm & Sweater Icon Icons made by Madebyoliver from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Dashboard Icons Designed by Freepik from
Imagery sourced on