Persona Card Template

Hello folks,

Today I want to share a persona card template as give-away for you all!

As UX designer I’ve been working with personas very often, however I always find myself struggling with the same problems for each client:

- Always different template for personas.
- Lack of relevant insight and assumptions overload.
- Hardly readable & impossible to understand at a glance.

The goal is to have a template for persona cards which I can use for any new client. This template has the most relevant sections to “avoid” assumptions, and mixes a fair amount of qualitative and quantitative data. Note that the chart will need to be adapted, as the data for it will always be different for each project. Bear in mind that a persona card needs a balance between textual and visual information.

Thoughts? Comment below, or reach out to me on Twitter.

Enjoy the template & Show your L!
Download link 👉

Best regards from Berlin,

PS @Spotify

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