Alarm Clock Chat Bot Concept
Creative concept: Mario Stipetic and Antonija Pek UX design: Antonija Pek and Mario Stipetic UI design: Antonija Pek and Mario Stipetic Animation design: Antonija Pek
Happy fish is an alarm clock chat bot concept where a user can set and choose desired alarm music with ease.
The bot commands are native to human experience, a user instructs bot to set alarm at 8 pm almost the same as talking to another person. This saves a lot of cognitive load and interactions are natural.
After the alarm user can instruct bot to play any song from iTunes or from his mobile library. If the song is not in user library the chat bot can just buy it from iTunes.
Incredible easy!
In our opinion, this is the future of the mobile interactions, either with voice or text because it is the native human way of interaction.