MVC Text Editor
Text editors for coding are a fascinating world barely explored by UI/UX design (maybe because not so many designers like to code). Atom, by Github, is doing an amazing job in the right direction, but for new people interested in code, it can be a little bit overwhelming at first.
The problem is that text editors like Sublime or Atom, are made to work across many frameworks. But, what if we can find a text-editor more friendly with MVC patterns. This is my exercise of the weekend, a simple text editor that can include some interesting features (Here I'm using a rails example):
- A direct access to the related files with the file I'm viewing. So, if I'm checking a View, in the top right area, I can find an option to display all the files related: Controller, Model, other views, and also some general files very useful like routes, db schema, style scss, etc. (Also in the top area we can find a direct access to open the view in a browser, if the server has been set in a localhost)
- A search text-area more accessible (I hate the way to search something in Atom)
- An integration with a terminal in the same tool, so we can keep all the interaction in one place (in the attachments, a view with the terminal displayed)
- Some visual tweaks to improve the readability of the text, and also the experience.
In following shots more details about some other interesting features.