Today it's two words. Baby and flight. This one in the center is 'baby'. 赤ちゃん in Japanese.

Today my 5 months daughter Láuri made a flight of the couch. I guess every baby do it once at least. Luckily, without damage to herself. My elder one did it too once. This flights are almost always just scary not harmful for they are flexible enough to prevent any harm. That's how they discover gravity. But pay attention to your kids as much as you can.

It always happens when you cannot interfere in the process of falling. You just stuck right where you are at the moment and see how your baby is falling. Time really warps in moments like this. It feels like slow motion. Then you realize what was just happened, and time accelerates to fast forward.

Baby — 赤ちゃん — Lapsi
Flight — フライト — Lendo

Btw, you can always see tags for translations.

Posted on Jan 20, 2017

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