Tapdaq - Landing 3.0 (More Details)

As you know we’ve launched on Monday our new Landing page 3.0 to showcase our new ad mediation feature. This is a detail of pricing and bit of our features page. I was excited when we were having initial chats about pricing with our founders. But at the end I realised who tough is to come up with layout for pricing without any plans and price. This was definitely one of the challenges we had on the way to the final result.

Check Tapdaq Landing 3.0 live here: https://tapdaq.com

Design: Jan Losert
Coded by: Insane Roman Nguyen (https://dribbble.com/march08) & Honza Štěpanovský.
Copy: Dom Bracher
And with love from the whole Tapdaq team.

Huge inspiration of this page: Stripe.com


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Jan Losert
Webflow Expert + Website/Product Designer
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