Calculator App

Day 4 for the DailyUI challenge is to design a calculator. Its actually great because I've thrown this idea around years ago but never had time to get around to it.

The MAIN thing that lacks in most calculator apps is an UNDO button. Sometimes I'd be adding things up and press the wrong button and have to start over. Very Annoying! The other issue is the numbers are bottom up (0123 on bottom)... that is good for a physical keyboard to type numbers out quick with your hand but thats something that should have never transitioned to the digital front, so i explored another layout.

If anyone is interested in partnering up and deving this out, let me know and I'll be fully on board and supply all designs/protoypes needed

Comments and feedback always welcome :)

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Posted on Jan 16, 2017
David Kovalev
Visual designer & builder of things. Lets chat đź’¬

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