Passive Systems Logomark Foundation
Back to basics, this was the initial mark on it's own. Very simple in execution, but I was hoping the combination of the 'S' formed from the inner shape of the 'P' might be a sound start.
The client did express concern that the 's' was not obvious, but it was also mentioned that 'systems' was in fact not to be highlighted. The brief indicated emphasis to be on Passive, with 'Systems' sort of acting as a tag line. So a bit confused myself now as I have been staring at this idea for over a week and can't make up my mind. For me, being able to squeeze the 'S' in there was more of a bonus/quirky addition, rather than a selling point. Sort of like an easter egg I guess.
My gut tells me it's a reasonable idea to work from... but am now having doubts. Bear in mind the brief highlighted need to be simple, clean, easy to reproduce at small sizes and to be type focused, with the aim to create a logomark/monogram formed from the 'P'.
I hate doubting myself. :)