New Zealand Blood Service mobile app

My Design Process:

New Zealand Blood Service mobile app makes saving lives even easier. It features everything you need to book your next blood donation appointment in New Zealand.
The goal was to create a mobile-first approach to providing donor centre and mobile drive location search, booking management tools, and insightful donor status and tracking information as well as create a targeted channel for direct, real-time communication with donors

I was the lead designer on the project and had been involved in the design from conceptualization to product delivery.

My design process involved running and facilitating a series of design workshops upfront with the client and their customers to understand the problems and issues with booking an appointment today with NZ Blood service. Then spending the time to wireframe and explore design concepts, which later be using for user-testing. From there, we worked closely with the development team and stakeholders within agile product life cycle, to design and build features and slowly building out the solution.

The concept of the solution was to create an experience that invites users to search and discover donor locations and time availability that will fit their busy schedules, turning what was a tedious task, and streamlining it into a simple effortless flow.

Early stage UX wireframing

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