This is how diseases spreading. One sneeze at another and so on. Then one get better and next day get another sneeze on him. I have two little kids and this shit happens time to time. Today i feel bad, but i have to work so i do.

Btw, it might be useful for some of you to know the difference between disease and illness. It's pretty simple but, people who learn English often confused with those words. In fact disease is something an organ or organism has, a kind of abnormal condition. And illness is the way the patient perceives their condition. Easy as pie.

Karelian for both illness and disease is 'táudi'. You can find another words (e.g. läžimiine or bólesti) but as i know in Livvin dialect the one and only correct is 'taudi'.

Japanese for illness is びょうき (byōki). I guess this works for disease as well, but i'm not sure. Leave a comment if you know.

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Posted on Jan 9, 2017

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