001 Login

Ok I admit, I got bitten by the DailyUI bug... except I decided to do 2 a week instead of daily. The reason I've decided to do it, is to simply become a better designer and thinker by rapid experimentation.

So for the year of 2017, expect to see 100 shots of 'out-of-the-box' attempted ideas. I'm giving myself only 1 hour in total for each shot. That includes ideation, sketching, wireframing, designing and exporting. 2 hours if there is animation involved (like this shot). Also I will not be looking at any inspiration or ideas, everything will be raw, the reason is... to attempt to reach an original idea. I will still be posting other works throughout the year but the DailyUX will be consistent.

ABOUT THIS SHOT: I thought having a super simple login form would be neat. So the idea here is the form will auto-detect the user when you finished typing. Once confirmed you're a user, the password field will appear and it will work the same way. So the user will only need to do ONE click to sign in :) I haven't seen anything like this before.

Let me know your thoughts. Share this if you like it and I hope you'll join me in my new journey of DailyUI.

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David Kovalev
Visual designer & builder of things. Lets chat 💬

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