Darkest Dungeon - Dolphin Chemist

I am involved in a lot of Twitch communities, and occasionally do some art for random streamers that I'm watching.

Today, a user called DolphinChemist was streaming Darkest Dungeon. During the stream, he shouted "SOMEONE DRAW AN ELDRITCH DOLPHIN CHEMIST!"

I thought that idea was hilarious, and thought I'd give it a go.

Basically, this is just an attempt to copy the style of this game, since I've never tried this style before. It was quite a process but over the course of about 3 hours I managed to get fairly close to their style.

Photoshop, Wacom, default brush (round), drawn at 4k resolution, only used 2 layer effects (gradient to lighten black levels a bit on the left hand side, pattern overlay for a bit of grain) and just a lot of looking at how they drew their characters, fabrics and shadow/light levels.

I've included an animated gif to show how I got there. You can tell it's quite a process, as the initial drawing is a piece of crap :)

I tend to stream the creation of stuff like this on Twitch. If you really want to watch, just find me there on the same username.

Dirk van Boxtel
Creative direction, interfaces & doodles
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