Dream #3

Prints available from: https://society6.com/guofan/canvas --- 今年六月的一个梦。梦见我从半山腰的一个岩洞出来,脚下是峭壁,眼前是林海还有漫天球形的云朵。橙色的夕阳和天空,紫色的云彩镶着粉色的边。几个小孩在天上飞着互相追逐,好像还发射出像素子弹互相打,头上跳出数字,于是我觉得这大概是个游戏吧。

A dream from this June. I walked out of a cave on a hill and found myself standing by a cliff, forest unfolded in front of me. I saw spherical clouds all over the sky. The sun was setting, rendering the sky orange and clouds purple with pink linings. There were kids flying across the sky chasing each other. They seemed to shoot little pixel pellets around with numbers randomly popping up their heads, then I guessed it might be a game.

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