KADO App Pre-launch now on Product Hunt 😃

Hi Dribbblrrs! This week we pre-launched our new product and I am pleased to share it here with you!

The app is called KADO and its a powerful tool to help DJ's and artist discover high quality recommendations from other DJ's around the world.

KADO is still in its early stages but we are making sure the performance is strong and reliable and we would love to get your feedback so we continue to make the experience better!

As the lead designer, I helped create the functionality of the product, as well as the logo and all the branding materials. That included: user flows, user research, hand drawn sketches, wireframing, interaction design, prototype (both paper and digital), and visual design. Yup, all of it!

Objective: After several iterations and multiple discussions around the user experience, we decided to make the product feel 1. intelligent, 2. powerful, and 3. fast.

My strategy was to write down the path we wanted to take and start driving towards it through hand drawings, mood boards, user testing and regular team discussions. I also made an effort to talk to our users and interview as many DJ's I as I could-- whenever I had the opportunity! So basically my job was to go out every night. Im joking. That never happened. I actually knew some people already in the music side and I also did my homework; I joined several channels via FB, attended meetups, and local music events. Reaching out to users individually through email was also beneficial to understand their constraints and make quick changes to the product accordingly. I also live in San Francisco so it wasn't too difficult to find artists.

You can read my medium post later but for now, you can try out KADO for free and let us know if you have any questions. We love to hear from you! 😃

Also, the site you see here on dribbble does NOT reflect the current site we have up live right now. There just wasn't enough time to implement these changes to say the least but I designed everything.

For now, our main goal was to get the product out as quickly as possible and focus more on user feedback and engineerings. With that being said, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions and enjoy!

KADO app link on Product Hunt:


Twitter shout out! https://twitter.com/Captnphilip/status/806386721919213568

More by Philip ⚡️ebastian

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