Superargo and the Faceless Giants
I had fun painting today’s RiffTrax release, Superargo and the Faceless Giants. It's a fun one!
Who is Superargo? He's an Italio-Spanish superhero whose main powers are that he used to be a wrestler and now he drives a car! Also, he can blow up small vases with his mind, but that doesn’t come up very often. Superargo’s super-heroics wouldn’t be complete without his turban-wearing, 1960s-style sidekick, based on the usual vague turban-wearing, 1960s-style sidekick ethnic stereotypes.
And who are the Faceless Giants? Why, simply the world’s greatest athletes, kidnapped and reprogrammed to be giant clumsy robots. Their mission? To rob banks, of course! If you can think of an easier way to rob a bank, we’d sure like to hear it!
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