Webtem - Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template
Buy at CodeGrape $14 / Live Preview
WEBTEM is a modern, elegant and unique multi-page theme. It’s designed for creative, restaurant, event, corporate, agency and much more. Based on Bootstrap framework, It’s fully responsive and easy to use customize.
We have included 10+ Homepages with better section customizable. Our theme is built in a way that you can easily move any element.
WEBTEM is fully creative, modern and clean HTML theme that include more than 100+ pages. This theme has a large number of sections, element, blogs and portfolios to present your brand in a possible way. It 100% responsive with useful tools that make layout customization fast and easy.
- Multi-Page Version
- Revolution Slider FREE
- 10+ Ready-to-use Homepages
- 100+ HTML Files
- 4+ Portfolio Styles
- Different Footer Style
- Premium Slider
- Countdown
- W3C Valid HTML
- Working PHP Contact Form
- Multipurpose Concept
- 100% Fully Responsive
- Google Maps & Fonts
- Video Background
- Magnify Lightbox
- Well Documented and Organized
- Easy to Customize
- Different Blog & Portfolio Styles
- 404 Page
- Google Fonts
- Animations
- Responsive Pricing Table
- Modern & Clean Design
- Parallax Effect
- After Sale Support