Copyright Confirmation

Taking this opportunity to once again, probably 50th time in a row, claim copyright on these 3 logos as the original author of all 3. These are actually the "most stolen" logos that I've created, to put it that way, so I also want to thank all the people who pointed me to illegal usage of them. No one ever bought them or paid for copyright transfers and if you see these anywhere around you, you can automatically know that it's been stolen. Sushi, for example, is being used in Greece, Lithuania, Denmark, Spain, South Korea, Vietnam. Bear in the USA, UK, Germany and Lionheart in Belgium, India, South Africa... Most of these situations were cleared after digging out the way to connect those responsible for the "audacity" to simply "borrow" original designs, contacted by me or my legal team, but some of them are still using it and we're fighting battles as we speak.

Once again, thanks to all the professionals who told me about it when they stumbled upon it - and I am definitely encouraging all of you to fight for what is yours, to protect your creations and creative work, to stop others from using other people's work for their own benefit.

If you had similar experiences with stolen graphic design, feel free to rebound this shot and claim the ownership of your own work. Peace!

Posted on Nov 22, 2016
Type08 (Alen Pavlovic)
Logo designer. Author of >900 logos worldwide. Let's work!

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