(animated) Minimalistic form w/ input hints and error reporting
First of all, this is a very large GIF - 100 frames, 3.5 megs.
Show some patience and let it load fully before moving on with a puzzled expression on your face. Read the rest of the comment below, for example. I just did and I think it is really good.
-- (the rest of the comment) --
This is my second contribution to the modern minimalistic UI/X design after this one. I have been using it in several projects now and it works great whenever there is a need for a light and compact form.
Specifically, the input hints are displayed in-field when there's no focus. They jump off to the side on focus. Errors are displayed to the left of the respective field unless it's a required field that was left empty, in which case it simply flashes the field's border with red and gives field the focus.
Thirdly, feast your eyes on the lack of a submit button. I think it's awesome this way.
Fourthly, no second password field. I figured that if a person mistypes the password, he could always reset it via email unless he also mistypes the email address, in which case it is a natural selection and it is for the better he can't get in :)