Make Offer - User Flow

This main user flow of creating the offer in web application for making offers in a simple way. UX is concentrated in 1 main goal per step, but I avoided ''feeling'' of a lot of steps with one-pager experience. When you enter data you can click enter or continue button. On the top of the page is loader who indicates how much you have until the end of the process.

MakeOffer is a simple way to deliver winning proposals to your clients. MakeOffer replaces your quotes, proposals, and presentations with interactive and mobile-friendly webpages that are as easy to build and reuse as they are beautiful.

Great work starts with a great project proposal! I created the UX, user flows, wireframes, prototyping, interaction, UI, icons, and the responsive web app design.

Nenad Ivanovic
Product manager, UI, UX, Webflow, Platforms
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