The ultimate in festive animals, the humble yet awesome llama is actually distantly related to the Norwegian spruce and under certain circumstances can raise the hairs on its neck to replicate a Christmas tree. Its thought by the many animal experts that we asked that this was a survival technique developed in case Santa found them awake and gave them coal...
More at https://www.behance.net/gallery/45386601/Fa-lla-lla-llama
As seen in the Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/happy-falalala-llamakkah-holidays-have-a-new-face/2016/12/15/2056301c-c2d3-11e6-92e8-c07f4f671da4_story.html?utm_term=.a30dfcfb7c49) and the Associated Press (https://apnews.com/ffb405ad2c794e049473189e959d1d65)
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