Clic Logo Sample
Clic is a non-profit who works with at risk teens and pre-teens. Through the use of technology (mainly computers and coding) they inform them of the benefits in tech and foster their interests as they grow. We were approached to design a new logo and create a visual identity for the business.
Since their business is unique to the area the door was open to set standards for their branding. I opted to take advantage of a light sans serif because it allowed me to make better use of shapes that represent movement. Their audience is young and we decided to use some lighter shades to attract more attention and differentiate their business from other local non-profits directed towards the same age groups.
For their tagline I decided to use “Helping your goals clic with your future”. The reasoning: no matter what situation the children are in, they have personal goals for the future and, by fostering their spark of creativity in tech, Clic pushes them forward to those goals for their future. This statement singles them out and is directed at the children themselves.