LGBTQ IA is a small friendly group of individuals, participating in local events and educating others about the LGBTQ community in Iowa. I was inspired by their goal, which is directly related to the confusion behind the definition of their acronym. I used overlapping shapes with multiple colors (directly referencing their classic rainbow colored flag) to illustrate the idea that it’s not a grouping of separate individuals but, instead, a collective of friends and family all coming together for a positive goal.

The choice to add in the outline of Iowa instead of the standard “IA” was intentional. I wanted to illustrate the ripple effect that one change can have on a community. I, again, used their multi-colored flag as inspiration for this.

Simple but striking, light hearted and together, across Iowa as one. I truly enjoyed creating this logo for such a great group.

More by Mark C. Mathis IV

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