Rockstar Icon Designer Book
Launch Special: Get the book for $19, by taking advantage of Rockable’s $5 OFF for 5 Days Only! (Regular price is $24. Offer ends Nov 7, 2011)
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I can't add a preview to this post, but the tutorials include many of the recent icons I've added to Dribbble
This is what I have been doing for the past 6 months, I wrote a book! Available as a digital download for Kindle, iPad and PDF (.PDF Files, .EPUB, .MOBI), it guides beginner and intermediate icon designers through the history, theory and creative process of icon design. Covering much more than popular rendering methods (although it includes that too) this book teaches the theory of perspective, lighting and usability with practical advice on Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Windows (XP and Vista) and Linux (Tango) with some tips and tricks on using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
"Veteran icon designer and Associate Editor of Vectortuts+ Kate McInnes knows a thing or two about icon design. Having worked for years as a successful icon designer, she decided it was time to share that experience with others by teaming up with Rockable Press to write her very first book called Rockstar Icon Designer.
In this book Kate not only teaches you how to whip up a good icon, but she takes you on a crash course through the world of icon design."