The_Bhavachakra - (cyclic existence) - (Red - lobha - greed)

The Bhavachakra (Sanskrit; Pāli: bhavacakka) is a symbolic representation of saṃsāra (or cyclic existence).

This is a more simplified version of the Bhavachakra which is based on Kandian temple paintings.

Many people say that Buddha Shakyamuni invented this symbol as part of the teachings he gave around 2,500 years ago. Yet, he stated,

"I have seen an ancient Path, an ancient road traversed by the rightly enlightened ones of former times." - Buddhism. Samyutta Nikaya ii.106

Therefore, the Buddha Shakyamuni did not invent anything. He only pointed out what had been lost and forgotten. Thus, the teaching of the Bhavachakra is much more ancient even then “Buddhism,” and it has great significance for us.

In this tradition, which we call the Gnostic tradition, we study the roots of all ancient religions, and we can see all religions in this symbol, that all religions correspond to it, that it is an universal symbol. It expresses universal truths, not religious doctrines, but truths, reality. In fact, the name Bhavachakra has a very important bearing on the concept or understanding of what is reality.

The first part of the word is भाव Bhava, which means “attitude, state, nature,” not nature outside with trees, plants, and animals, but the nature of a thing, its innate, intrinsic, inherent nature. The word Bhava comes from भू bhū, "to become." So, bhava implies an attitude or state of being that is “becoming” or in constant change.

The second part of Bhavachakra is चक्र chakra, which means “wheel.” Therefore, Bhavachakra means “Wheel of Becoming.”

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