Light Tank

It's been a week since Battlefield 1 came out, so obviously it was inspiration for this illustration that l finished this morning, a tiny but huge killing machinery, my favorite Howitzer Light Tank.

The game is pretty addictive, and I just can't stop playing it. I've been a hard-core BF gamer since BF 1942 and this game is simply amazing: probably the best war gaming experience on the market atm (Sorry Call of Duty) and so glad that Dice went into the Great War direction - too much futuristic stuff were coming out last decade and for the new Battlefield l was very excited since from the very first trailer I saw.

The realistic environment, sounds, voice acting is top notch and sort of terrifying which gives you real feel like you are actually in there: soldiers yelling around you, sound of explosions, breaking through the mud and sand and the best thing is the gas grenade concept I liked the most, it works perfectly in the game and it's pretty refreshing and innovative addition.

If you like FPS games, the new Battlefield is the real thing for you.

Following this, I will make small series of the war machines that has been used in the Great War.

Milovanovic Milos
Monochromatic illustrative pieces since 2011.

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